Sunday, July 8, 2007

From Utah to the Grand Canyon

On Friday morning (I had to consult the calendar, I am already losing track of the days) we set out from Moab for the Grand Canyon. A grueling 8 hours later, we were there. More about the arrival in a minute.

Most of the drive through Utah was breathtaking - although I never thought the phrase "you've seen one mesa, you've seen them all" would ever come out of my mouth. When we hit Arizona, it turned into desert very quickly and got REALLY HOT - well over 100. No more cool geological features, but it was still fun because I could drive fast on the fairly deserted (get it?) roads. Also lots of neat animals - we saw cows, goats, lots of horses, and I think I spotted some bighorn sheep.

I loved approaching the Grand Canyon from the north, because we kept seeing the Colorado River (and crossing it), giving us a series of teasers that the Grand Canyon was coming. We had decided to camp on the North Rim - we'd miss some of the classic views of the Grand Canyon, but we'd also miss the crowds. This turned out to be a great idea. The views were still spectacular, and it turns out that the North Rim is heavily forested, with much the same makeup as the forests of Canada. On a sunrise drive this morning, we spotted wild turkeys, tons of pretty swallows and other birds - I think a few Stellar's Jays (I need a bird book!), several Kaibab squirrels (black with very striking white tails), and -- a bobcat! At any rate, the temperature on the North Rim was between 50 and 75 the whole time were there, which was so nice after our drive through the desert.

Then yesterday afternoon we drove to Las Vegas... but that is a subject for later on!


View of the Grand Canyon

1 comment:

Gabriel R. said...

It's nice being able to see that there are no cops anywhere on the horizon out there. The desert north of the grand canyon is where I first found the speed governor limit on my car. Saturn SL2s max out at 115, FYI. ;)

Can't wait to hear about Vegas.