Thursday, July 5, 2007

We're in Denver!

So we drove down to Connecticut to drop off Moses with my dad. Also since we were flying out of Bradley International Airport. Moses was a bit freaked out by the drive down but he seemed to acclimate himself just fine once we arrived. He seems to like my dad a lot, so that's pretty awesome. I still think he'll be kind of pissed once we pick him back up.

We flew out of CT around 2pm and arrived in Denver around 7pm their time (with a short stop in Dallas). Unfortunately, all the compact cars were out so we had to take this Subaru SUV (an X-7?). It drives like a car and will definitely make the trip much more comfortable, but we're worried about gas-mileage. But hey, nothing else we can do, right? It is nice to have the room, however. We can even sleep in it if we're so inclined.

Anyway, we hooked up with Mait and Julie at their friend's place. There was a barbeque going on and some of the dudes were lighting fireworks in the backyard. It was gorgeous out (80 degrees but so dry - perfect weather) and we stayed there until dusk. We all headed to Lakeside Amusement Park (straight out of the 50s this place) to try and catch the fireworks on the lake but missed it. Too bad, but we did get to ride some rides (Scrambler, the Cyclone, and even bumper cars). Cheapest amusement park ever. It was pretty cool, though. Wish I taken some pictures of the place. The Cyclone was wooden and freaked us out. I was more afraid of plunging off the side than thrilled by the actual ride.

Skeeball was only 25 cents and Rebecca and I won a finger puppet and a crappy slinky, respectively.

I didn't get a chance to hook up with my friend Lafe, but we'll be staying with him on our way back so I'm not too worried. Anyway, we stayed at Mait and Julie's place, which was totally awesome of them (and their three cats who are now trying to climb onto the computer). We're about to head to breakfast and then on to Moab, Utah!


Mait and Rebecca squinting at me


Gabriel R. said...

BTW, skeeball is only 25 cents here in Salem at the Willows. ;)

Mike Mearls said...

Dang man, but is that mangy hippy really Mait?